PATCH Request
April 7, 2023Less than 1 minute
PATCH Request
Json patch is a standard interaction designed for clients to partially update existing resources on the server. RFC6902 provides a detailed introduction to json patch, which can be summarized as follows:
- Use the HTTP PATCH request method.
- The request body contains json content that describes multiple operations.
- The Content-Type of the request is application/json-patch+json.
WebApiClient Example
public interface IMyWebApi : IHttpApi
Task<UserInfo> PatchAsync(string id, JsonPatchDocument<UserInfo> doc);
var doc = new JsonPatchDocument<UserInfo>();
doc.Replace(item => item.Account, "laojiu");
doc.Replace(item => item.Email, "");
var api = HttpApi.Create<IMyWebApi>();
await api.PatchAsync("id001", doc); Server Example
public async Task<UserInfo> Patch(string id, [FromBody] JsonPatchDocument<UserInfo> doc)
// The user is obtained from the database query
var user = await GetUserInfoFromDbAsync(id);
return user;