Built-in Attributes
Built-in Attributes
Built-in attributes refer to some features provided within the framework that can be used out of the box to meet various application requirements. Developers can also write custom attributes to meet specific scenario needs and then apply them to interfaces, methods, or parameters.
Execution Order Before
Parameter value validation -> IApiActionAttribute -> IApiParameterAttribute -> IApiReturnAttribute -> IApiFilterAttribute
Execution Order After
IApiReturnAttribute -> Return value validation -> IApiFilterAttribute
Positions of Each Attribute
[IApiFilterAttribute]/*Applied to all methods within the interface*/
[IApiReturnAttribute]/*Applied to all methods within the interface*/
public interface DemoApiInterface
[IApiFilterAttribute]/*Applied to this method*/
[IApiReturnAttribute]/*Applied to this method*/
Task<HttpResponseMessage> DemoApiMethod([IApiParameterAttribute] ParameterClass parameterClass);
Return Attribute
The return attribute is used to handle the response content as the corresponding .NET data model. It follows the following rules:
- When the EnsureMatchAcceptContentType property of the attribute is true (default is false), it only takes effect when the AcceptContentType property value matches the Content-Type value of the response.
- When none of the AcceptContentType property values of the return attributes match the Content-Type value of the response, it throws an
. - When the EnsureSuccessStatusCode property of the attribute is true (default is true), and the response status code is not between 200 and 299, it throws an
. - For multiple return attributes with the same AcceptContentType property value, only the attribute with the highest AcceptQuality property value takes effect.
Default Return Attribute
By default, each interface already has multiple return attributes with an AcceptQuality of 0.1, which can handle multiple response contents such as raw types, JSON, and XML at the same time.
If you want to handle the response content with a specific return attribute without considering the matching of the Content-Type, you need to declare the default parameter of the specific return attribute.
[JsonReturn] // (.AcceptQuality = MAX, .EnsureSuccessStatusCode = true, .EnsureMatchAcceptContentType = false)
/* The following attributes are implicitly present
[RawReturn(0.1, EnsureSuccessStatusCode = true, EnsureMatchAcceptContentType = true)]
[NoneReturn(0.1, EnsureSuccessStatusCode = true, EnsureMatchAcceptContentType = true)]
[JsonReturn(0.1, EnsureSuccessStatusCode = true, EnsureMatchAcceptContentType = true)]
[XmlReturn(0.1, EnsureSuccessStatusCode = true, EnsureMatchAcceptContentType = true)]
Task<SpecialResultClass> DemoApiMethod();
Represents the result attribute of the raw type, supports result types such as string
, byte[]
, Stream
, and HttpResponseMessage
Task<HttpResponseMessage> DemoApiMethod();
Represents the result attribute of JSON content, uses System.Text.Json
for serialization and deserialization.
Task<JsonResultClass> DemoApiMethod();
Represents the result attribute of XML content, uses System.Xml.Serialization
for serialization and deserialization.
Task<XmlResultClass> DemoApiMethod();
Represents the result attribute that sets the result to the default value of the return type when the response status is 204.
// if response status code is 204, return default value of return type
Task<int> DemoApiMethod();
Action Attributes
The HttpHost attribute can only be used when the request domain is a known constant.
[HttpHost("http://localhost:5000/")] // Applies to all methods under the interface
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> GetAsync(string id);
[HttpHost("http://localhost:8000/")] // Overrides the HttpHost declared in the interface
Task<User> PostAsync(User user);
GET request
public interface IUserApi
[HttpGet("api/users/{id}")] // Supports null, absolute, or relative paths
Task<User> GetAsync(string id);
POST request
public interface IUserApi
[HttpPost("api/users")] // Supports null, absolute, or relative paths
Task<User> PostAsync([JsonContent] User user);
PUT request
public interface IUserApi
[HttpPut("api/users")] // Supports null, absolute, or relative paths
Task<User> PutAsync([JsonContent] User user);
DELETE request
public interface IUserApi
[HttpDelete("api/users")] // Supports null, absolute, or relative paths
Task<User> DeleteAsync([JsonContent] User user);
PATCH request
public interface IUserApi
Task<UserInfo> PatchAsync(string id, JsonPatchDocument<User> doc);
var doc = new JsonPatchDocument<User>();
doc.Replace(item => item.Account, "laojiu");
doc.Replace(item => item.Email, "laojiu@qq.com");
Constant value request header.
public interface IUserApi
[Header("headerName1", "headerValue1")]
[Header("headerName2", "headerValue2")]
Task<User> GetAsync(string id);
Constant value request timeout duration.
public interface IUserApi
[Timeout(10 * 1000)] // Timeout duration is 10 seconds
Task<User> GetAsync(string id);
Constant value x-www-form-urlencoded form field.
public interface IUserApi
[FormField("fieldName1", "fieldValue1")]
[FormField("fieldName2", "fieldValue2")]
Task<User> PostAsync([FormContent] User user);
Constant value multipart/form-data form field.
public interface IUserApi
[FormDataText("fieldName1", "fieldValue1")]
[FormDataText("fieldName2", "fieldValue2")]
Task<User> PostAsync([FormDataContent] User user);
Parameter Attributes
The key-value pair of the parameter value is used as the request URL path parameter or query parameter. For general types of parameters, the PathQueryAttribute implicitly takes effect when no attribute is specified.
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> GetAsync([PathQuery] string id);
The key-value pair of the parameter value is used as x-www-form-urlencoded form.
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> PostAsync([FormDataContent] User user);
The parameter value is used as x-www-form-urlencoded form field and value.
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> PostAsync([FormDataContent] User user, [FormField] string field1);
The key-value pair of the parameter value is used as multipart/form-data form.
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> PostAsync([FormDataContent] User user, /*Form file*/ FormDataFile headImage);
The parameter value is used as multipart/form-data form field and value.
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> PostAsync([FormDataContent] User user, /*Form file*/ FormDataFile headImage, [FormDataText] string field1);
The parameter value is serialized as the request JSON content.
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> PostAsync([JsonContent] User user);
The parameter value is serialized as the request XML content.
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> PostAsync([XmlContent] User user);
The parameter value is used as the request URI, can only be applied to the first parameter, and can be a relative URI or an absolute URI.
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> GetAsync([Uri] Uri uri);
The parameter value is used as the timeout duration in milliseconds, and the value cannot be greater than the Timeout property of HttpClient.
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> GetAsync(string id, [Timeout] int timeout);
The parameter value is used as the request header.
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> GetAsync(string id, [Header] string headerName1);
The key-value pairs of the parameter value are used as the request headers.
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> GetAsync(string id, [Headers] CustomHeaders headers);
Task<User> Get2Async(string id, [Headers] Dictionary<string,string> headers);
public class CustomHeaders
public string HeaderName1 { get; set; }
public string HeaderName1 { get; set; }
Raw text content.
public interface IUserApi
Task PostAsync([RawStringContent("text/plain")] string text);
Raw JSON content.
public interface IUserApi
Task PostAsync([RawJsonContent] string json);
Raw XML content.
public interface IUserApi
Task PostAsync([RawXmlContent] string xml);
Raw x-www-form-urlencoded form content, which requires the content to be form-encoded.
public interface IUserApi
Task PostAsync([RawFormContent] string form);
Filter Attributes
Filter attributes can be used for the final content modification before sending or viewing the response data.
Outputs the request and response content as logs to the LoggingFactory.
[LoggingFilter] // Records request logs for all methods
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> GetAsync(string id);
[LoggingFilter(Enable = false)] // Disables logging for this method
Task<User> PostAsync([JsonContent] User user);
Cache Attributes
Caches the response content of this request. If the next request meets the expected conditions, it will not request the remote server again but retrieve the cached content from the IResponseCacheProvider. Developers can implement their own ResponseCacheProvider.
Applies caching using the complete URI of the request as the cache key.
public interface IUserApi
[Cache(60 * 1000)] // Cache for one minute
Task<User> GetAsync(string id);