Advanced Features
Advanced Features
Uri Concatenation Rules
All Uri concatenations are generated using the constructor new Uri(Uri baseUri, Uri relativeUri)
BaseUri with a trailing /
BaseUri without a trailing /
In fact,
are exactly the same. Their paths are both /
, which is why they behave the same. To avoid common mistakes, it is recommended to use the standard baseUri format, which includes a trailing /
Handling Request Exceptions
When making a request to an API, regardless of the type of exception encountered, an HttpRequestException
is always thrown. The inner exception of HttpRequestException
contains the specific exception that occurred. Many of the internal exceptions in WebApiClientCore are based on the ApiException
abstract class. In many cases, the HttpRequestException
has an inner exception of type ApiException
var data = await api.GetAsync();
catch (HttpRequestException ex) when (ex.InnerException is ApiInvalidConfigException configException)
// Handle request configuration exception
catch (HttpRequestException ex) when (ex.InnerException is ApiResponseStatusException statusException)
// Handle response status code exception
catch (HttpRequestException ex) when (ex.InnerException is ApiException apiException)
// Handle abstract API exception
catch (HttpRequestException ex) when (ex.InnerException is SocketException socketException)
// Handle socket connection layer exception
catch (HttpRequestException ex)
// Handle request exception
catch (Exception ex)
// Handle other exceptions
Conditional Request Retries
By using the ITask<>
asynchronous declaration, you have access to the Retry
extension, which allows you to specify retry conditions based on catching specific exceptions or evaluating the response model.
public interface IUserApi
ITask<User> GetAsync(string id);
var result = await userApi.GetAsync(id: "id001")
.Retry(maxCount: 3)
.WhenResult(r => r.Age <= 0);
ITask<> can precisely control the retry logic of a method. If you want to implement retry globally, please use Polly to implement it. For .NET 8 and above, you can choose to use Resilience. to implement it.
Handling Form Collections
According to OpenApi, a collection can be represented in the URI query or form in five different formats:
- Csv (comma-separated values)
- Ssv (space-separated values)
- Tsv (tab-separated values)
- Pipes (pipe-separated values)
- Multi (multiple key-value pairs with the same name)
For an array value like id = ["001","002"]
, the representations after processing with PathQueryAttribute
and FormContentAttribute
are as follows:
CollectionFormat | Data |
[PathQuery(CollectionFormat = CollectionFormat.Csv)] | id=001,002 |
[PathQuery(CollectionFormat = CollectionFormat.Ssv)] | id=001 002 |
[PathQuery(CollectionFormat = CollectionFormat.Tsv)] | id=001\002 |
[PathQuery(CollectionFormat = CollectionFormat.Pipes)] | id=001|002 |
[PathQuery(CollectionFormat = CollectionFormat.Multi)] | id=001&id=002 |
Adjusting Default Parameter Attributes
WebApiClientCore executes requests and handles responses based on metadata. You can customize the description of an API method by adding the desired attributes. In modern web interfaces, JSON requests are commonly used. Therefore, when declaring default parameter attributes for non-GET or HEAD requests, the UseJsonFirstApiActionDescriptor
behavior applies the JsonContentAttribute
to complex parameter types.
You can annotate IUserApi
with your own subclass of ApiFilterAttribute
to observe the ApiRequestContext.ActionDescriptor.Parameters[0].Attributes
when calling PostAsync
. You will see that the collection now includes the JsonContentAttribute
by default.
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> PostAsync(/*[JsonContent]*/ User user);
Adapting to Irregular Interfaces
Unfriendly Parameter Name Aliases
For example, if the server requires a query parameter with the name field-Name
, which is not allowed in C# as it is a reserved keyword or variable name, you can use the [AliasAsAttribute]
to meet this requirement:
public interface IUserApi
ITask<string> GetAsync([AliasAs("field-Name")] string fieldName);
The resulting request URI will be api/users/?field-name=fileNameValue
Form Field as JSON Text
Field | Value |
field1 | someValue |
field2 | {"name":"sb","age":18} |
The .NET model for field2 is:
public class Field2
public string Name {get; set;}
public int Age {get; set;}
Normally, we would have to serialize the instance of field2 to JSON text and assign it to the field2 string property. By using the [JsonFormField]
attribute, the JSON serialization of the Field2 type and the resulting string are automatically handled as a form field.
public interface IUserApi
Task PostAsync([FormField] string field1, [JsonFormField] Field2 field2)
Nested Form Fields
Field | Value |
field1 | someValue | | sb |
field2.age | 18 |
The corresponding .NET model for the form is:
public class FormModel
public string Field1 {get; set;}
public Field2 Field2 {get; set;}
public class Field2
public string Name {get; set;}
public int Age {get; set;}
In a proper scenario, for complex nested data models, it is recommended to submit the FormModel using application/json
. However, if the service provider requires the FormModel to be submitted using x-www-form-urlencoded
, you can configure KeyValueSerializeOptions
to meet this format requirement:
services.AddHttpApi<IUserApi>().ConfigureHttpApi(o =>
o.KeyValueSerializeOptions.KeyNamingStyle = KeyNamingStyle.FullName;
Unexpected Content-Type in Response
The response content appears to be JSON, but the Content-Type in the response header is not the expected value of application/json or application/xml, but something like text/html instead. This is similar to a client submitting JSON content with a Content-Type value of text/plain in the request header, which would make it difficult for the server to process.
The solution is to declare the [JsonReturn]
attribute on the Interface or Method, and set its EnsureMatchAcceptContentType
property to false, indicating that the content type does not have to match the expected value in order to be processed.
[JsonReturn(EnsureMatchAcceptContentType = false)]
Dynamic HttpHost
Passing Absolute Uri with UriAttribute
public interface IUserApi
ITask<User> GetAsync([Uri] string urlString, [PathQuery] string id);
Custom implementation of HttpHostBaseAttribute
[ServiceNameHost("baidu")] // Using custom ServiceNameHostAttribute
public interface IUserApi
Task<User> GetAsync(string id);
Task<User> PostAsync([JsonContent] User user);
/// <summary>
/// Attribute to determine the host based on the service name
/// </summary>
public class ServiceNameHostAttribute : HttpHostBaseAttribute
public string ServiceName { get; }
public ServiceNameHostAttribute(string serviceName)
this.ServiceName = serviceName;
public override Task OnRequestAsync(ApiRequestContext context)
// HostProvider is your own service, the data source can be a db or other, etc., and it is required that this service has been injected with DI
HostProvider hostProvider = context.HttpContext.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<HostProvider>();
string host = hostProvider.ResolveHost(this.ServiceName);
context.HttpContext.RequestMessage.RequestUri = new Uri(host);
Request Signing
Dynamically Appending Request Signature
For example, adding an additional query parameter called "sign" to each request's URI, which may be related to the request parameter values and needs to be calculated each time. We can implement our own sign functionality by creating a custom subclass of ApiFilterAttribute
and then declaring the custom filter on the Interface or Method.
public class SignFilterAttribute : ApiFilterAttribute
public override Task OnRequestAsync(ApiRequestContext context)
var signService = context.HttpContext.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService<SignService>();
var sign = signService.SignValue(DateTime.Now);
context.HttpContext.RequestMessage.AddUrlQuery("sign", sign);
return Task.CompletedTask;
public interface IUserApi
Sorting Form Fields
In some cases, a so-called "signature algorithm" requires sorting the form fields, etc.
public class SortedFormContentAttribute : FormContentAttribute
protected override IEnumerable<KeyValue> SerializeToKeyValues(ApiParameterContext context)
// Sort, add other derived fields, etc. here
return base.SerializeToKeyValues(context).OrderBy(item => item.Key);
.NET 8 AOT Publishing
After using source generation in System.Text.Json, it is possible to AOT publish projects.
Example of json serialization source generation:
[JsonSerializable(typeof(User[]))] // Add all json model types used in the interfaces here
public partial class AppJsonSerializerContext : JsonSerializerContext
Add the json source generation context to the global configuration of WebApiClientCore:
.ConfigureHttpApi(options => // json SG generator configuration
HttpClient Configuration
This section covers HttpClient Factory content, which will not be discussed in detail here.
services.AddHttpApi<IUserApi>().ConfigureHttpClient(httpClient =>
httpClient.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(1d);
httpClient.DefaultRequestVersion = HttpVersion.Version20;
httpClient.DefaultVersionPolicy = HttpVersionPolicy.RequestVersionOrLower;
Primary HttpMessageHandler Configuration
services.AddHttpApi<IUserApi>().ConfigureHttpApi(o =>
o.HttpHost = new Uri("http://localhost:5000/");
.ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(() => new HttpClientHandler
UseProxy = true,
Proxy = new WebProxy
Address = new Uri(""),
Client Certificate Configuration
Some servers enable HTTPS mutual authentication to restrict client connections, allowing only clients with certificates issued by them to connect.
services.AddHttpApi<IUserApi>().ConfigureHttpApi(o =>
o.HttpHost = new Uri("http://localhost:5000/");
.ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(() =>
var handler = new HttpClientHandler();
return handler;
Maintaining CookieContainer
If the requested interface uses cookie-based authentication, it is important to maintain the CookieContainer instance and not let it follow the lifecycle of the HttpMessageHandler, as the default HttpMessageHandler has a minimum lifecycle of 2 minutes.
var cookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
services.AddHttpApi<IUserApi>().ConfigureHttpApi(o =>
o.HttpHost = new Uri("http://localhost:5000/");
.ConfigurePrimaryHttpMessageHandler(() =>
var handler = new HttpClientHandler();
handler.CookieContainer = cookieContainer;
return handler;
Using Filters in Interface Configuration
In addition to using IApiFilterAttribute subclasses as attributes in the interface declaration, filters of type IApiFilter can also be added to the interface configuration, which will be applied to the entire interface and take precedence over IApiFilterAttribute types annotated with attributes.
services.AddHttpApi<IUserApi>().ConfigureHttpApi(o =>
o.GlobalFilters.Add(new UserFilter());
public class UserFilter : IApiFilter
public Task OnRequestAsync(ApiRequestContext context)
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
public Task OnResponseAsync(ApiResponseContext context)
throw new System.NotImplementedException();
Custom Request and Response Content Parsing
In addition to deserializing common XML or JSON response content into strongly-typed result models, you may encounter other binary protocol response content, such as Google's Protobuf binary content.
public class ProtobufContentAttribute : HttpContentAttribute
public string ContentType { get; set; } = "application/x-protobuf";
protected override Task SetHttpContentAsync(ApiParameterContext context)
var stream = new MemoryStream();
if (context.ParameterValue != null)
Serializer.NonGeneric.Serialize(stream, context.ParameterValue);
stream.Position = 0L;
var content = new StreamContent(stream);
content.Headers.ContentType = new MediaTypeHeaderValue(this.ContentType);
context.HttpContext.RequestMessage.Content = content;
return Task.CompletedTask;
public override async Task SetResultAsync(ApiResponseContext context)
var stream = await context.HttpContext.ResponseMessage.Content.ReadAsStreamAsync();
context.Result = Serializer.NonGeneric.Deserialize(context.ApiAction.Return.DataType.Type, stream);
Apply the relevant custom attributes:
public interface IProtobufApi
/// <summary>
/// Login and refresh the cookie
/// </summary>
/// <returns>Returns the login response message</returns>
protected override Task<HttpResponseMessage> RefreshCookieAsync()
return this.api.LoginAsync(new Account
account = "admin",
password = "123456"
Finally, register IUserApi and IUserLoginApi, and configure AutoRefreshCookieHandler for IUserApi:
.AddHttpMessageHandler(s => new AutoRefreshCookieHandler(s.GetRequiredService<IUserLoginApi>()));
protected override Task WriteLogAsync(ApiResponseContext context, LogMessage logMessage)
// Output logMessage to your target here
return Task.CompletedTask;
Custom Cache Provider
The default cache provider is in-memory cache. If you want to store the cache in a different storage location, you need to customize the cache provider and register it to replace the default cache provider.
public static IWebApiClientBuilder UseRedisResponseCacheProvider(this IWebApiClientBuilder builder)
builder.Services.AddSingleton<IResponseCacheProvider, RedisResponseCacheProvider>();
return builder;
public class RedisResponseCacheProvider : IResponseCacheProvider
public string Name => nameof(RedisResponseCacheProvider);
public Task<ResponseCacheResult> GetAsync(string key)
// Get cache from Redis
throw new NotImplementedException();
public Task SetAsync(string key, ResponseCacheEntry entry, TimeSpan expiration)
// Write cache content to Redis
throw new NotImplementedException();
Custom Self-Explanatory Parameter Types
In some extreme cases, such as face comparison interfaces, the input model may not be equivalent to the transmission model. For example:
JSON model required by the server:
public class FaceModel
public Bitmap Image1 {get; set;}
public Bitmap Image2 {get; set;}
We want to pass Bitmap objects when constructing the model, but convert them to base64 values of Bitmap during transmission. So we need to modify the FaceModel to implement the IApiParameter
public class FaceModel : IApiParameter
public Bitmap Image1 { get; set; }
public Bitmap Image2 { get; set; }
public Task OnRequestAsync(ApiParameterContext context)
var image1 = GetImageBase64(this.Image1);
var image2 = GetImageBase64(this.Image2);
var model = new { image1, image2 };
var options = context.HttpContext.HttpApiOptions.JsonSerializeOptions;
context.HttpContext.RequestMessage.Content = new JsonContent(model,options);
private static string GetImageBase64(Bitmap image)
using var stream = new MemoryStream();
image.Save(stream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);
return Convert.ToBase64String(stream.ToArray());
Finally, we use the improved FaceModel to make requests:
public interface IFaceApi
Task<HttpResponseMessage> PostAsync(FaceModel faces);